Completion of work in view for the ?Galerie Louise?

They are three: the Galerie Louise, the Galerie Porte Louise and the Espace Louise. “One is about to revive, the other doubts about the way and the third is waiting. “Charlotte Mikolajczak from La Libre Belgique retraces the history of the three Brussels galleries the tortuous layout of which mingles between the Place Stéphanie, the “Goulet Louise” and the avenue de la Toison d’Or. Between Monopoly moves and real property or commercial considerations, a little look back to the past of these three covered arteries and their future. The first is currently being renovated by the Bureau “Francis Metzger et Associés”.  In this article, Francis Metzger, architect, and Guillaume Burnet, responsible for the project in Ma², relate how they approached this mission, and how the people from Brussels will find in 2020, the line and the style of this magnificent gallery from the upper part of the city.

Please read the full article of the “La Libre Echo” here.
